File under: Unintentional Comedy
10 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT!!!! COLUMBUS "DISCOVERS" NEW WORLD AT THE END!!! Just saw this on TCM and was laughing and laughing and laughing. I swear,it was almost as if the Coen brothers had traveled back in time and made this movie. There are so many awful treasures in this well-made horrible movie I don't know where to begin. First: Frederic March's 1940's typical American Joe accent is priceless. Just picture Joe Biden playing Columbus. Did they even have casting directors back then? The filmmakers also take copious liberties with the story, my favorite one being that they paint Columbus as this maverick who sasses the Spanish court judges commissioned to approve or deny his voyage. He was this close to lighting a cigarette, popping his collar, hopping on a motorcycle and riding into the sunset. I could go on and on, but you get the drift. Batten down your brain cells and set sail to Over-Acting Island.
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