Absorbing serial with high wattage movie star cast.
26 August 2010
What other daytime serial in history corralled three Oscar winning/and or nominated ladies to head its cast? Only this--based on Rona Jaffe's novel of the same name and with big screen veterans Gale Sondergaard, Geraldine Fitzgerald and Patty McCormack.

This show seemed to have everything going for it--gifted and attractive performers, beautiful sets, evocative symphonic under-scoring, and a melodic theme song, (recorded on album and performed on the show by Connie Eaton). For those of us captured by its absorbing story in the long ago summer of 1970, its cancellation was as sudden as it was inexplicable.

Gale Sondergaard was the sinister proprietress and editress in chief of Key Publishing, the publishing house wherein the central action was located, the story centering on the interconnected lives of three stenographers. These were April (Julie Mannix), Kim (Katherine Glass) and dishy Patty McCormack as Linda. All three were effective in their roles as well as being very easy on the eyes.

And the plots! The girls may have been searching for the best of everything, but were sure stymied in attaining it--particularly Miss Glass who got involved with a hippie-biker pusher, ("Squirrel" played by Gregory Rosakis) and ended up being stabbed multiple times and left amongst the debris of a deserted alley,(near dead but not quite!).

Then there was the little boy who innocently ate from a box of sweets laced with LSD, and fell into convulsions whilst he rolled on floor screaming in agony.

Lurid, perhaps, but memorable...
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