Uninhabited (2010)
creepy little gem
6 August 2010
I was shaken up by Uninhabited when I saw it as part of the melbourne film festival. It was creepy but very beautiful, and it really got under my skin.

My partner and I talked about it a lot after the screening. He didn't like it as much as me, he was expecting another Saw I think, but to me it's more like the Harrison Ford movie What Lies Beneath, or even Picnic at Hanging Rock. To me it was a relief not to see bodies carved up and splattered everywhere.

There are really only two main actors in the film, and they were good. They kept me guessing the whole time and they were very watchable.

I hope it gets out to a wider audience because it offers an alternative to the usual blood and guts fare that you see so often and I look forward to seeing it again because there's a lot to think about in this creepy little gem.
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