Criminal Minds: The Big Game (2007)
Season 2, Episode 14
Why so many writers?
11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, if you have not seen this yet, just don't read any further.

My biggest gripe about this episode (I'm just gonna ignore the computer mistakes) is when Dr. Reid and J.J. are at the unsub's house. They follow him into the barn, while it is dark, with no backup. Now that MAY be believable, but what is totally unbelievable is when Reid runs after the guy into the cornfield. COME ON WRITERS! No smart person, let alone a trained Doctor for the FBI, would blindly run after a killer into a cornfield AT NIGHT!! I hate it when they bring in extra writers or new writers and they don't follow the style that the show has been written in for the previous seasons. It ruins the personalities of the characters when you have them saying contradictory stuff from one episode to the next.

This was a badly written episode, but very entertaining. The writing has gotten better, thank goodness!
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