Review of Still Green

Still Green (2007)
I want the last three hours of my life back
24 November 2009
One and a half hours I spent watching this film, and the hour and a half afterwards I spent dumbstruck at the atrocity I had just witnessed.

The acting leaves a lot to be desired, but it's probably the film's strongest point. The directing is horrible and the filming is terrible. There are so many 'last days before we go off to college' films that they all need something to set them apart. This film decided to have an accident so absurd I laughed when it happened.

There is absolutely no character development - I got to the end of the film, saw one of the main characters and couldn't for the life of me remember whether he had actually done anything in the film or not. It is so weak it relies on voice overs of the character's thoughts as they are standing next to someone, and these range from mundane to such a pathetic attempt at being profound you're not sure whether it was supposed to be a joke.

The soundtrack is like a mix tape of failed bands attempting to imitate current 'hip' ones and the final scene was the icing on the cake. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it.

This film is diabolical.
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