Tom and Jerry, the way "I" Remember it.
14 November 2009
now i know that simply by the score i'm giving this movie, people are going to mark it as "not useful". but you know what, that's OK. But still, i feel that i have to say my share about this film. To be perfectly honest, i NEVER enjoyed the Tom and Jerry shorts growing up. Whenever they came on, i would either change the channel or simply blankly stare at the screen with more of a underlying hatred for Jerry than any sort of enjoyment.

However, when i was around 7 years old i was introduced to Tom and Jerry the movie. And to my surprise, i thoroughly enjoyed it. The songs were pretty catchy and it kept me interested throughout the entire feature. However, you know the old saying about rose colored nostalgia glasses, so i thought i'd watch this movie again. Well, i'm 23 now and i STILL like this movie. Tom and Jerry are FAR more enjoyable then they were in their incredibly violent younger days and i just found myself enjoying the film overall much more. Granted there are some scenes that are random and some of the jokes are corny when you really think about them, but all in all, this was a pretty good movie. The only downside to this movie is that now that i've seen this film, when i go back and watch the old cartoons, i'm once again horrifically disappointed. So once again, downgrade my review away if you must.

I've never been a fan of silent cartoon characters. Sometimes you can get a character even if they don't speak, but with Tom and Jerry, it was never clear. It just seemed like a bunch of bad slapstick gags that made me cringe with pain imagining that damage rather than enjoying it. The same can be said for the Looney Toons. I don't know. when i was little, violence was never my thing. i was more of a care bears/ teddy ruxpin kid rather than a transformers of GI Joe kid. So to me, this film was a breath of fresh air from the unsuitable violence that the original Tom and Jerry shorts had. i liked the Robin character, the fat dog on the skateboard was hilarious, and the two antagonists were pretty enjoyable to hate as well.

Even though many people don't agree with me, i really don't care. To me, this is a great movie and i'd show it to my eventual kids any day of the week over those violent shorts of yesteryear.

With that said, the Tom and Jerry Movie gets 7 bags of MONNNEEYYYY out of 10.
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