Sins of Youth (1958)
The fire of Heaven in their bodies....
7 November 2009
...but the parents only see the flames of Hell! That's what the English poster reads! The audience who expects a scandalous movie will be certainly disappointed.Yes ,there are scenes in bed (but there were some before and there have been plenty of them since).The only reason why you'd like to see this flick today is Madeleine Robinson's performance.She 's portraying an over possessive mother,owner of a hotel (of a greasy spoon ,says one of the characters),who wants her son to make his way of life.She wants him to marry into money but he falls in love with a working-class girl. Will the boy obey his mother or will he rebel ? Gil Vidal who plays the boy had a very short moment of fame ;today he 's remembered by Duvivier's fans for a supporting part in "Marianne De Ma Jeunesse" ,French version.
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