The Champ (1979)
Stocked with sap...
20 August 2009
Remake of the 1931 chestnut involving an ex-boxer, who now trains horses, coaxed back into the ring and cheered from the sidelines by his adoring pre-teen son and loving ex-wife. Boxing was big business in the late 1970s thanks to "Rocky", but that was no excuse to dust off this sentimental relic. Jon Voight, just off his Best Actor win for "Coming Home", ditches all the nuances he had achieved up to this point; letting his face go slack with confusion and desperation, he doesn't reveal anything hidden within this character, it's all surface falseness--and Voight is too intrinsically smart to be convincing as a self-destructive bum. Voight's dead-end, melodramatic scenes with Faye Dunaway (also miscast) fail to come off, with Dunaway behaving more like a big sister than a former flame. Shameless from beginning to end, the movie shows no subtlety in detailing Billy Flynn's dilemmas or loyalties, and director Franco Zeffirelli mounts each new sequence with the grace of a bricklayer. *1/2 from ****
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