For the Love of a Child (2006 TV Movie)
Moving, yet bland
26 March 2009
Nothing really to get excited about in this movie. The movie retells the true story of Childhelp International and the two women who founded it. Jumping from the past to the present we are shown how the foundation came to be and how it flourished since then.

The origins aren't really too heartwarming and you can't help to think that it lacked real heart to it. Maybe a different form of presenting the motivations of the women who created Chlidhelp International would be in order.

The main segment of the film however can at times pack a wallop. It shows abused children, that are taken in by Childhelp, with various horror stories behind all of them. The organisation gives them a chance to find peace and in the future maybe hope for a better living. It's shocking in as much as all of it seems to be based on real life stories. The storytelling however is lacking and weak with the acting below par.

Nothing really to get excited about, but it is a decent watch and definitely not a waste of time.
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