One of the few misfires in the early history of the show
23 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Pinky and the Brain" was a wonderful cartoon series--one of my favorites ever. However, I am not a "Kool-Aid drinker" who automatically says that EVERY episode was gold and that the show was perfect. I have Pinky and Brain statues, stuffed figures and even a commemorative plate--so I am obviously a fan. But, I still will admit that the show didn't always deliver. However in the first season as a stand-alone show, the only serious blunder I can recall is this Christmas Special.

So why is the Christmas special a failure? Well, because the Brain did something he'd never have done before--succumbed to sentiment. This was so unlike the character and so schmaltzy--something I hate and one of the main reasons I normally loved the show. In this special, once the Brain actually took over the world, the "Christmas Spirit" took hold and he gave it all back because he was so full of holiday gooey goodness. YUCK!!!
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