Family Guy: Ocean's Three and a Half (2009)
Season 7, Episode 7
Nicely Written
17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So, after six years of Bonnie being pregnant (according to Peter), she finally has her baby; a baby girl named Susie. However, Joe has to pay off the medical bill, $20,000, and will do anything (except trust a loan shark) to pay it off.

Meanwhile, Stewie falls in love with Susie and decides to make a song and music video for her, much to Brian's opinions.

The most funniest part in the whole episode was when Brian asked Stewie what he was calling the song and Stewie replied Susie, he asked Brian to list more examples of songs written with a girl's name in it, with Brian listing such examples (Billie Jean, Roxanne, Jenny from the Block, Elegnor Rigby to name a few) and Stewie slams the guitar down and shouts, "Go *beep* yourself, Brian."

Overall, this was very nicely written episode and very funny and the moment we Family Guy fans have been waiting for happened: when Bonnie finally gives birth. If you haven't seen it yet, you should seriously watch it, it's funny, nicely written, and even some Bryan Adams fans should be interested (his song is used Stewie's music video) in this episode.
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