Review of Dead End

Angel: Dead End (2001)
Season 2, Episode 18
26 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What I love about this episode is that just like in the episode Blind Date we see Lindsey's human and emotional side show itself. Unlike the first episode however, Lindsey doesn't choose Wolfram & Hart in the end. With him literally having a connection to the spare part clinic patients because of his new hand Lindsey realized that enough was enough. It helped to show that even the most vile people have issues that eat away at them and make them realize that some things are just taken too far. The funniest part was when at the W&H board meeting when he did the whole 'evil hand' routine. Shooting the security guard in the foot, scaring the crap out of Lilah and saying he's bored with this crap was great. Grabbing her ass on the way out was kinda cool too. While having Lindsey leave the show until season 5 was somewhat of a creative disappointment, the way they had him leave was very well done and heartfelt.

What amazed me the most was when Lindsey was singing at Caritas. I always wondered if it was really him until I read Christian Kane's bio. Finding out that he is the guitar player and singer for his own band kinda knocked me for a loop. As a former musician, I have a lot of respect for his talent.
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