Review of The Champ

The Champ (1979)
Well done but horribly manipulative
15 September 2008
Details are a little vague (I saw this back in 1979) but here's what I remember: Story about an ex-boxer (Jon Voight) who's bringing up his son (Ricky Schroder) alone when his wife (Fay Dunaway) left them. Then she returns and wants her son back. She's rich now. Voight has to become a boxer again to provide for his kid...but it might kill him.

OK--it's well acted (all three leads are great) and well-done but man is it SYRUPY! The movie is just so cloying and sweet that I started to get annoyed watching it. Also the story is old and has been done many times before. You know how it's going to end. And yeah--I cried at the end but how could you not? This movie went out of its way to wring tears from the audience. I don't mind tearjerkers but this one is so openly trying to make you cry that it gets ridiculous. When a movie starts forcing reactions from its audience that's not good. This gets a 3 only for the actors and a well-done production.
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