Review of Teeth

Teeth (I) (2007)
Toothless horror...
23 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy horror movies but find that they are being churned out at a ridiculous speed and that quality suffers as a result and this is no exception.

Looking beyond the ludicrous nature of the plot (all horror movies are a bit far fetched in general), this was simply one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The acting was terrible and Jess Weixler, who pays the "heroine?" Dawn looks embarrassed to be acting in it. The scene with her gynaecologist was the only highlight of the film and even that was because I was laughing as the acting was so bad.

Seriously, this is a stupid, pointless and badly acted film that lowers the standards for shock horror flicks to a new depth. I would rather visit the dentist and have my teeth pulled without anaesthetic than sit through this garbage again...

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