Graverobbers (1988)
It's safe sex cause we can't get AIDS from dead people
12 May 2008
First off the Summary is a quote taken from the movie itself so no one get offended at me... OK now then,

Nora, a small town waitress, first fends off a traveling condom salesman before agreeing to marry a complete and utter stranger by the name of Henry. Henry also happens to be a funeral director who likes his woman tired in the sack... DEAD tired. She must escape from all this kookiness. This is a bizarre film, filled with bad acting and insane dialog. It had to be trying to be a horror-comedy, but it was neither horrific or comedic. Still somehow I still found it strangely watchable. Kinda had the feel of "Dead & Buried", but not nearly as good as that film. Points deducted for the movie imploding in on itself in it's ending twenty minutes or so.

Eye Candy: Kathleen Margo gets topless

My Grade: D
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