Suddenly (2006)
*Yawn*, are we there yet?
19 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My post contains extreme spoilers, be warned. Mostly because if I summarize the whole movie, I'll be doing you a favor.

Movie revolves around a father and son dealing with the loss of his son and wife, that die during an accident.

The entire film is them on vacation, trying to forget the bad.

Jonas, the son, meets a really hot girl on the beach, that, despite being so attractive, has no friends throughout the entire movie, and spends too much time stalking Jonas and hanging with him at her house, all day.

Jonas is a completely unlikable character, both from our point of view and the girls; he hardly speaks, says nothing interesting, and only talks about how him and his dad never talk. All the girl does is tell him to talk to his dad, and get over the loss of his mom and brother. At times I had to pause the movie and go job a mile, just to stay awake. Jonas is just unbelievable dull and has no charisma or personality, no one can feel sorry for the character.

There is no real conversation for 70 percent of this movie; just people complaining to other people about their dead family, and the man and son lashing out on anyone that mentions the past if it's related to the dead son and mom, even if they just bring up a "Wedding", the dad starts to cry and yell.

Slow paced, frustrating dialog(or whine-alog) and no satisfactory story or ending. Avoid it. It could be a 20 minute short film if you cut out all the dead air and repetitive "my families dead and it really sux" talk.
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