Taggart: Fire, Burn (2002)
Season 18, Episode 2
Taggart blows up a factory.
19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene we see an arsonist setting fire to a clothing factory late at night. The prime suspect soon becomes the manufacturer's competitor - Scott Dewar.

However, the main story line centers on Jackie Reid's crumbling marriage to DCS Brian Holmes. Jackie is still coming to terms with Michael Jardine's death and she is starting to question her commitment to the job. It doesn't help that her new boss, DCI Matt Burke, is a bully and completely insensitive to her needs.

Meanwhile Maureen Wishart asks her friend, Det. Supt. Valerie Patterson, for assistance in finding her husband. By coincidence he works for Scott Dewar and has a background in explosives. We spend much of the episode wondering if the body found in the burnt out building is that of the missing man.

This is a reasonable episode of Taggart. However, I do wonder if the producers understand how difficult it is to hold onto a title long after the leading character has gone to his maker. Added to that we have also lost Dr. Stephen Andrews without so much as a "thank you mother for the rabbits." Blythe Duff puts in a brilliant performance. This girl can act! However Kate Donnelly is really quite appalling as the scheming bitch. I have seen park benches act better.
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