Thought provoking
24 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
9/10 because some of the scientific possibilities envisioned seemed a bit outdated as is to be expected, this was made in 1988, 20 years ago. I would have give 9.5/10 if I could have though, because the philosophical underpinning of this movie is extremely sound and well backed up. It seems to convey the message rather well that intelligence originates from a non-intelligent process.

The focus of the movie is more on Douglas Hofstadter rather than Daniel Dennett. Dennett in fact plays a rather comical role in this movie, a man whose brain was removed as part of a top secret project and the repercussions that arise from it. I would have liked it if they gave some more screen time for Dennett.

All in all it touches subjects most dear to us - consciousness, emotions, free-will, morality and intelligence, giving all of it an origin in mechanical parts which by itself does not possess any of these characteristics and in doing so leaves us in somewhat of a moral quandary. And yet at the end of watching it, I felt contentment, satisfaction, a sense of reassurance and a renewed appreciation of the way nature works.
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