Rapid Fire (2006 TV Movie)
One of the Most Violent Heist of the North American History
6 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In Norco, California, four rednecks plot a bank robbery using heavy ammunition to intimidate clients and the police force expecting to have better life. However, one employee activates the silent alarm in the police station, and the criminals are chased by the police and LA SWAT. In despair, they shoot about 20,000 shots, kill one policeman, hit other eight, and destroy many cars and properties and one helicopter. In the end, the two survivors are sentenced to life without parole.

"Rapid Fire" is a reasonable television movie based on one of the most violent heist of the North American history, with a long shootout and car chase. This forgettable movie is no bad but only recommended for entertainment. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Fogo Cruzado" ("Crossed Fire")
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