Sleeping Dogs Lie (I) (2006)
Hilarious, you will laugh out loud.
30 December 2007
No wonder politicians lie, our society "can't handle the truth." No film points this out as clearly as this film does. I rarely review films but this one inspired me. Most of America is trained to lie and cheat in elementary school. We learn very quickly that the cheaters get rewarded, no wonder our political and business systems are such a mess. Ask your self what happened with Enron, were they really punished? A lot of them made millions and got away with it.

The acting was excellent and I was glad the actors were unknown. The last time I laughed this hard during a film was Waking Ned Devine in 1998. Was a little surprised the film is rated so low, there are a lot of movie snobs that can't enjoy a film with no stars or recognize Bobcat Goldthwait as a director.
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