Smooth Thievery becomes Illogical
15 September 2007
Jack Hogan is "The Cat Burglar" who steals the briefcase sexy blonde June Kenney (as Nan) is holding for her secretive suitor John Baer (as Alan). He is really out for her jewels, but picks up the briefcase as an afterthought. Unbeknownst, he has acquired a notebook filled with top secret spy formula doodling - the stuff men KILL, and DIE, for!

This film begins with fluid direction from William Witney, mirrored cat-like burgling by Mr. Hogan, and cool soundtrack music from Buddy Bregman. As the plot develops, the film unravels. The soundtrack becomes annoyingly repetitive. The characters get lost in a wildly illogical story; possibly the most incredible element is the bonding (love?) of the characters played by Mr. Hogan and Ms. Kenney. The players continue to try, however; and, the warehouse climax is nicely shot.

*** The Cat Burglar (1961) William Witney ~ Jack Hogan, June Kenney, John Baer
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