Entourage: The Day Fuckers (2007)
Season 4, Episode 7
A holding pattern episode, but one of the most amusing
31 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This episode didn't advance any of the story or character arcs of the show, but it was certainly one of the most amusing. For the first time, the Drama and Turtle story line was truly funny, as it involved sex while dressed up as an Easter Bunny (don't ask—watch). Usually their story line is sort of sad-sack, and faintly depressing. Often as not, their adventures seem to depend on them being B-listers when they're lucky enough to rise above the C-level, their adventures usually tawdry and loser-ish. This time, however, their story was involving, amusing, and had a riotously funny payoff in the final scene of the show.

I was astonished to watch Jeremy Piven crying in this episode—it was really moving, and added an extra dimension to his character: Though Ari is a flippant jerk most of the time, it was touching to see his relationship with his immediate family, and how far he would go to get what they wanted.

Nothing happened with Medellin or with the next movie Vincent's doing—that's why I'm calling this episode a holding pattern. But boy was it funny, through and through.
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