Angel: Disharmony (2001)
Season 2, Episode 17
We always said we were going to do something cool with our lives. Now look at us. You're an office manager and I'm dead
27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
We always said we were going to do something cool with our lives. Now look at us. You're an office manager and I'm dead - Not the most necessary episode, but still had plenty of moments to keep me entertained. 'Harmony' comes in town and rebonds with 'Cordy' who doesn't know she became a vampire but thinks she's a lesbian instead, that is until she calls 'Willow'. The vampire cult thing was a little silly, but the idea worked well enough, it's good the way they wrote 'Harmony', she's evil so betraying is her thing. The funniest scene has to be with 'Harmony' and the bubble gum driving 'Wesley' mad. My favorite storyline this episode was 'Cordy's friendship with 'Angel', she tells him that they're not friends anymore and that he hurt her and gave away her clothes. At the end of the episode 'Angel' tells 'Wes' that he's giving her some space and then all of a sudden she comes screaming in the room all happy about her new clothes- You have the most amazing taste! You have, like a gay man's taste! and they jump up and down while 'Wesley' gives 'Angel' the angry face, priceless! CORDELIA: Harmony, do me a favor, lose the gum. HARMONY: Okay, okay! Sorry. I thought it would help with the cravings. I mean, you'd think I'd get a thank you for not biting any of you. WESLEY: What are you doing!?! This book is twelve centuries old! HARMONY: Okay. So it's not like I messed up a new one. (8.5 out of 10)
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