Review of Work Out

Work Out (2006–2008)
Not a Bad Reality Show!
8 May 2007
Let's face it, I'm not into reality shows. I only got hooked on this show because I was changing the channel. At first, I thought it was all about Jackie's lesbian love life as a premise for a show. I didn't know there were other trainers or a Skylab facility which D-List Kathy Griffin went too herself. Okay, the show's premise is about life at a Hollywood or Los Angeles Gym/Spa/Health Center etc. I belong to a health and fitness center which is nothing like Skylab because it's more independent than dealing with trainers. They are your typical Hollywood bunch of probably aspiring actors and actresses working as personal trainers to the stars and your everyday average people. Okay, there is a little much focus on Jackie's personal life. the show seems to evolve from her lesbianism because it probably gets the most attention and will gain ratings. I do have to say that I have grown to like her and wouldn't mind if she was training me. The trip back home to Fairborn, Ohio shows that reality shows can't fake truth as well as we would like them to be. When she was visiting her father's grave with her mother, it was hard not to identify with her because I lost my father as well but hers was during Vietnam and she was so young herself that she barely remembered him. Anyway besides her lesbianism, the show does try to bring faces to a less than interesting group of characters. I can't tell one apart but I can tell Jackie because she's the most interesting, outspoken and identifiable leader of this group. But besides that, I think the show's producers are just too hung up on her sexual orientation because it will get ratings. Maybe so, Jackie's human just like the rest of us, straight, gay or bisexual and that's what the show should be about.
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