Review of Heat

Heat (1972)
Joe Dallesandro is my hero
5 January 2007
If you want to see movies in the style of John Waters without the theatrics, you are guaranteed to love any Paul Morrissey movie. Heat revolves around a few characters, a hag who runs a motel, an aging actress, brothers who have sex on stage in a nightclub act, a young lesbian who isn't quite sure if she is a lesbian, and yes girls..Joe Dallesandro.

Joey is a struggling child actor, who has come back from a stint in the army and hopes to get back into acting. He meets an aging actress, has sex with her and her attempts fail to get him any acting gigs. There really are no major plots or twists or even morals in any of Morrissey's movies even more so in heat. Half an hour into the film and you ask yourself.. what has happened? Well nothing..and boy is nothing interesting. The fact that a director can make movies based on real life exploits of real life people and make it interesting makes him a brilliant director.

This movie is ugly, sexual, amusing and obscure, the fact that nothing really happens shouldn't put you off, you will be entertained and amused by the actors, if you really get bored you could pick out the flaws such as- Why does everyone have a New York accent when they live in LA, or is that a man or a woman? But for us girls Morrissey delivers us another film in which we can drool over Dallesandro, sadly he doesn't spend nearly half the amount of time naked as he did in flesh. You might also notice the little homage to midnight cowboy in the movie; he comes in the form of a gay man named Harold. (Pat Ast is actually in Midnight Cowboy) For fans of trivia ..Heat is essentially an unofficial remake of Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard with Dallesandro playing William Holden's part.

I feel Paul Morrissey is a highly underrated director, every film I have seen of his has left me wanting more, left me shocked, disturbed, in hysterics and leaves me raving about how simplistic yet fantastic they are. His movies make you want to go find your trashiest friends and make movies about them.
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