Turkey Shoot...# 4
4 December 2006
Olivier Gruner continues to put out trash, this time the evidence is essayed in this Predator rip-off. The movie finds a group of commandos stranded an a Mexican town complete with western atmosphere, along the way the alien creature takes over the body and minds of the commando unit (Because what better way to rip off Predator, when we can add a dash of The Thing to it, Now that's creativity!) the production values are unbelievably cheap, the acting is horrid and Olivier Gruner manages to somehow make worse and worse movies. Indeed I was extremely let down by the fact that the box cover promised Ernie Hudson and Brad Dourif, only to give very minimal screen time to the two only actors in the film. However we do get see William Zabka (Back To School and Karate Kid)give hands down one of the most embarrassing performances to ever be featured in an Olivier Gruner flick (No small feat considering Gruner) and his badness provides what entertainment value there is to be had. As for Gruner, he kick-boxes tons of people, grapples with a cheap looking monster and never once changes his facial expression. All and all what we would expect from the worst actor. on a professional level. So in other words the perfect bad movie to laugh at. Indeed this is a perfect movie to watch drunk, due to the surreal badness on view here. So fans of hilarious badness, enjoy!

* out of 4-(Bad)
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