Underground (1995)
A tasteless dental chewing gum.
13 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a long film. After 2 hrs I started fast forwarding the film and still could not finish it. It has got to be the longest film I have ever seen in my whole life or not seen. There are lots of interesting things but I found the film trite and banal. The amount of money spent on this film is just unthinkable. There are a few scenes which are nice but most of the film is basically a road-side show where people do what ever it takes to entertain you. There is a character that keeps breaking bottles on his head. I am yet to figure out what it signifies. It wasn't entertaining I can say that at least. A dancer keeps getting drunk, keeps removing her clothes and keeps dancing. I have no idea why she does that. If that represents her way of shirking her guilt then I must say a very long and irritating way of showing that. I could have edited this film to easy 50-60 good minutes but director chose to keep it a 170 minutes long film. You can use all great words like surrealist, great composition, cinematic poetry but fact remains that you are waiting for the bloody scene to finish so that you know what's going on.

It is not convincing because under Tito country was doing good and Yugoslavians were traveling through out the Europe. So basically metaphor is politically incorrect too. Yugoslavia which was one of the main countries behind NAM and Tito literally threatened Stalin of killing. If it was Russian I would buy it but not Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was the only economy under a communist regime which was doing well because it was an open economy. People traveled and brought money back into their economy. If you are a film student or you want to compare history then watch it. 6/10 for the making of the film. There is no doubt that making of the film is fascinating.
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