A War story with a difference
22 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I actually thought this was a very good film,i missed the beginning probably the first half hour,but i soon got the idea of what this film was about.I was always hoping that it would be shown again so that i could see this film the whole way through,but as far as i know it has never been shown on a UK main channel.I saw it on one of the cable channels a couple of years ago and it is definitely a film that sticks in the mind.Especially the ending,extremely controversial.In case anyone wonders what i am talking about,the story goes like this----{bare in mind i missed the beginning}A British Sgt who has helped liberate France comes across a young French woman she is living in a farm house.From a distance she is being watched by the French Resistance,as they believe her to be a traitor.All the way through the film you see flash backs of her and her association with the Nazis,and she is by no means innocent of what she is being acused of.The only reason the French Resistance has not moved in on her is because of the British Sgt whose name is Saul is staying with her.If he moves away they will close in and will kill her for sure,but while he stays with her shes safe.Towards the end of the film the situation becomes very intense and desperate as he has to go back but he doesn't want to leave her at the hands of the French Resistance.He can not take her with him as his fellow British officers say she is guilty of collaboration and will not help her,its down to the French law.So what actually happens is that he kills her himself,rather than leave her to suffer the trauma of what ever the Resistance may have in store for her.Very heavy going stuff,however the film is tragic as they were in love and probably would have made a life together somewhere,but their circumstances were hopeless.Its a very well acted film,and Gabriel Byrne gives a very convincing performance as a British Sgt.But be warned do not expect a happy ending.
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