Jack-O (1995)
Absolutely hilarious! I LOVED it!
9 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There's something to be said for good movies. There's also something to be said for bad movies. But what about a bad movie that's sincere, very likable, very nostalgic in capturing the fall/Halloween season and full of energy and audience good will? Well that's exactly what is found in Jack-O, a movie with so many painfully bad, laughable elements that somehow mix with the fun elements and turn it into a very entertaining B level horror movie! The good stuff here is the breezy tone of the film and the story itself is enjoyable and fun. I liked some of the small touches like the Halloween garage spook show and the weird conservative neighbors who are killed. Also good to see is Linnea Quigley in a role that is probably too small but it's still Linnea and she brings an element of fun to the film, even if her role was almost useless. The cameos from John Carradine and Cameron Mitchell are from some unknown archive source, but still I liked seeing both of them here. The bad stuff. The plastic Jack-O pumpkin mask is really lame. And the acting is the cheesiest! Then again, that only adds to the fun. The little kid (son of the director) might be the worst child actor I've ever seen but it's hilarious to watch! The adults aren't much better. There's one woman in a flashback scene who you must see in all her monotone glory to believe. The woman who plays the psychic is also quite awful. You will be rolling on the floor in laughter! There is a bit of gore and one topless scene from Rachel Carter who plays the Quigley character's sister in the film. The gratuitous shower scene I see people talking about must have been cut from my tape because you only see Linnea from the shoulders up. There's no other way to rate a film like this than with a 5!
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