In agreement..
11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have been reading a few other comments by users, and the general view is that this movie is bad. I agree. Although, sadly, it had the ingredients to be good. Those ingredients do not include Hritik and Kareena, the script and definitely not the animation! Hritik's Prem has had 12 too many Red Bulls and for the first half of the movie, he is a live wire that loves everyone, and aside from the fact that he can annoy the crap out of you, he is the perfect good boy. Kareena's Sanjana is also a daughter to be proud of. She dresses in skimpy clothes and prances around at the school function to which her parents have been invited, but other than that she gives her parents a lot to be proud of. Sanjana's family owns a parrot that talks unnecessarily and a dog whose face becomes animated when angered.

Abhishek's Prem enters and really saves the day for the movie because he is the only sober performance in an over-excited cast.

The music is pretty good and the movie is shot well... the storyline isn't bad either, but the cast mess it all up.

By the way, did anyone notice that Hritik keeps whistling an unknown tune through the movie. It was a tune he kept whistling in K3G as well. Absolutely useless information, but true none the less.
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