Abnormally Bad
29 January 2006
It's very easy to write a bad review. Every hack reviewer gets the temptation when sitting through a boring film to just pack in the screening, go home and write 500 words of spiteful critical mass. It's easy.

But there are no words in the critical lexicon to convey the sheer, utter awfulness of this film. It's laughable. It's terrible. It's incredible that it got made.

Firstly you have the frankly quite masturbatory concept - clearly thought-up by a creepily lascivious film producer - of having the film's two leads as hot teenage lesbians. Immature voyeuristic fantasy, anyone? I'm guessing censorship issues denied Mr Producer the chance to get the sapphic activities of these two lovely ladies on film: if you're watching this film to get your kicks you'll be disappointed.

Hot lesbian #1 becomes obsessed with taking photos of dead animals. This plot strand takes up about an hour of the film, before it sinks into a dull rip-off of 8mm, Lost Highway, and Ringu. Hot lesbian #2 has little to do except stand around looking hot, and getting into sexy arguments. The shocks aren't shocking, and the gore isn't gory. If you're scared watching this, then you should steer well clear of Scooby Doo. Odd filters and silly jump editing do not a horror film make.

The ending is ridiculous, and you will certainly feel cheated if and when you suffer the misfortune of watching this film. I don't know what 'Oxide Pang' was thinking. Perhaps he was thinking 'i can't think of a proper ending... i'll just make it up as i go along'. Not that it matters much, because it's so badly edited and lit you can hardly see what happens anyway.

English-speaking viewers will be hampered by the ludicrously bad subtitles. At one point, a character asking (presumably)'why the long face' has her words translated as 'why are you so lengthy of countenance?'. Some lines aren't translated at all.

If this hyperactive, under-lit, overwrought and incomprehensible film is the new face of bold Asian horror cinema then I'm Jackie Chan. You will regret watching this. It is almost an hour and half of your life that you could do far better things with. Visit your grandmother. Cook your wife a meal. Just don't for God's sake watch Abnormal Beauty.
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