The Steve Harvey Show (1996–2002)
Great Show!!!
3 January 2006
The love the Steve Harvey Show! I think that the entire cast is wonderful. The chemistry between the characters works really well. I loved watching Romeo, Lydia, and Bullethead get into all sort of things. Steve, Cedric, Regina and Levita had me laughing with their off the wall comments. I really wish that there would be more shows like this! The humor is very unique and the improv comments that Steve makes has me cracking up and laughing. Regina is a huge talent. I wish I had her body, wardrobe, and dance moves. Lydia Liza def. on of my favorites. When she would talk about her lover (Arthur), I would crack up laughing. She is a huge talent and I hope to see her in many more roles. She brings so much to the cast. Love this show!!!!
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