Review of Vitâru

Vitâru (2004)
A love story.
28 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This was an unbelievable film. I do so love this genre! Anyway, to me, Vital is a completely different way of telling a love story!

Hiroshi has awoken from a coma suffered after a near fatal car accident that has left him without a memory. He tries desperately to piece his life back together. We learn that he was accepted to medical school before the accident, but had decided not to go. After the coma, he ends up going to med school and does exceptionally well...until cadaver class. It is here that he learns that he is dissecting his True Love! He is consumed by her and his ever bettering memory, which gives up glimpses of his happiness with his lover. We see how perfect they were for each other and the audience can feel real lose with her death.

I loved the acting in this film. At the end, when Hiroshi escorts his love's coffin to be buried, I truly felt his pain and yes...almost shed a tear. It is a strange and twisted love story, but one that I enjoyed.
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