Review of Duplex

Duplex (2003)
I really really disliked this movie
14 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely feel the urge to comment a movie, but this one really got me ANGRY. Maybe that was the point, but I do not enjoy being angry. I prefer leaving a comedy happy. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Watch the news, or some commercials instead. Trust me it's better!

I like Ben Stiller and really love Drew Barrymore, which was why I watched this movie at all. It starts off with a sweet background story and a very sweet couple you root for as the bad luck begins.


Being a comedy, I was hoping into the very end that it would have a happy ending. Instead I was more and more frustrated, irritated, agonized and angry!!!¤%¤ I really hate movies which base their humour on the misery of others. Even more so if the misery is partially due to stupidity. What annoyed me was first of all how the couple tolerated the mistreatment. And why on earth didn't they respond with the same medicine: annoy the lady even more! Make her miserable. Beat her at her own game! And the story was weak and transparent: it was apparent early on that the lady was doing this intentionally, and that the house salesman was in on it. Or enter hit-man, for when they would be desperate enough to think that was a good idea.

The only surprise was their lame idea to wreck the house so she might leave. For a second I thought they were finally going to make HER life miserable, only to find out they were trying to electrocute or gas her to death. (Ever heard of life sentence for murder?) In the end they wrecked their house, were humiliated and tortured (sleep deprivation is an effective kind of torture), lost their jobs, sold everything they loved, payed repairs and new TV for the lady, sold the house at a huge huge (sic) loss, and on top of that left seeing the lady dead just when they've signed over the house. - The last 'happy' scene is just a joke in my face.


I have no idea if anyone cares enough to read my entire review. But if you are a fan of Drew Barrymore or Ben Stiller, do yourself a favour and DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. It is a complete waste of your time, and will only leave you disappointed.

Now if you are a fourteen year old who enjoys killing ants, and who laugh when your friend falls and breaks a leg, then this is your cup of tea.
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