What Not to Wear (I) (2003–2013)
This Show is GREAT!(mentions some show info!-spoiler i guess)
1 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off, you can always turn down the makeover-and they've had one person do it. Read their website. Second, men do it too. Third, well, just because you like it doesn't mean its good-one girl was wearing tube tops to work in her office because she just didn't know any better...! These guys do a great service, and the tips they've given have helped me out a lot-I always feel great when I see someone with my body type (a little heavier I suppose) get a makeover-it helps me see that I can also look great :)...

I also like the UK version-sometimes being harsh is what's needed...and if you read their books/bios, the UK ladies happily talk about their own past foibles/fashion mistakes...

Currently I think Clinton and Stacey both do a great job of building the person up and letting them know they deserve to look their absolute best because of what a great person they are-I really like this show and look forward to it each week!
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