Race Against Time (2000 TV Movie)
Plot holes big enough to drive a truck through
13 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, let's start with the most obvious: The concept problem. WHY would legalized suicide mean legalized murder? Obviously any "contract" for voluntary death would become murder if the client was not allowed to change his mind or cancel it. Then there are the multiple opportunities for the chasees to kill the chasers, or vice versa, that they inexplicably pass up. Finally, there's the magic tranference from the truck cab into the elevators which is unseen, unexplained and simply impossible. (Memo to scriptwriters: Just because you choose to ignore a point doesn't mean the viewer will.) On top of that you have bad acting, trite dialog and one-dimensional characters. All told, this film is a steaming pile of dog pooh.
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