Emotionally powerful film, highly recommended!
23 June 2003
I attended the Los Angeles Film Festival in June 2003 and saw Particles of Truth twice. It's wonderfully emotional and powerfully moving, and deserves to find a distributor so that many people can see the film, and can see how fantastic Gale Harold plays his role of Morrison, a damaged and vulnerable but ultimately strong man. Morrison keeps his distance from people by spending his time in his car, and Lilli, played by writer-director Jennifer Elster, is an artist who seems more afraid of success than of failure. The film explores the fears many of us have about reaching out and taking the great risk of giving and receiving love. I want to emphasize how beautifully Gale inhabits Morrison and conveys so much with his eyes. Even when there is no dialogue, you can absolutely see into Morrison's soul and feel his fears and determination. Jennifer Elster was amazing also, bringing so much real emotion and vulnerability to her role. The rest of the cast were great, everyone was pitch-perfect. This film is highly recommended!
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