Zenon: The Zequel (2001 TV Movie)
Disappointment Major!
18 January 2001
The first Zenon movie was hilariously kitschy. This "zequel" however is not only unfunny, but unremarkable. Greg is written out of the whole movie by having him break up with Zenon at the beginning, mistake #1. Zenon's parents and Nebula are portrayed by different actors, mistake #2. The movie is almost saved when Margie (the hilarious anti-hero of the first film) arrives on the scene and makes Zenon's life a nightmare...unfortunately she becomes Zenon's friend, mistake #3. Then we have this horrible subplot with aliens (rainbow colored specks), mistake #4. And that's basically the movie. And oh yeah, they rip off the ending of the first movie, having Protozoa and his band Microbe play a new song, Galaxy is Ours which is alright but weak compared to Supernova Girl. This is painful major. The novelty has worn off. The first movie was creative and cheesy. Chelsea Clinton was president, everyone drove VW Bugs, people played games with spinning milk cartons, everyone liked to hack and kids had funny lines like "it was never you he liked it was the car!" Let me be the first to ask, why was this "zequel" ever made?
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