Review of Duplex

Duplex (2003)
Zesty fruit basket with salted cashews.
6 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie that delivers the goods. Drew B. is looking good as usual and Ben S. is on the ball as always. De Vito does well behind the camera. One of the things that frusturated me the most was the fact that they couldn't kill the old lady and had to hire a hit-man at the price of selling all their stuff. The twist at the end was kind of cool, I didn't see that one coming.

Another thing that got to me was that none of the problems would have happened, probably, if Stiller would have just put his foot down at the beginning and told that old bag, "No." Or just not answer the door. And as far as the loud TV that kept them up at night, they should have gone up there and demanded she turn it down. Other then those few frusturating things, this movie is fun and i would like to see it again.
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