Lorna Doone (2000 TV Movie)
A Gorgeous Favorite
27 May 2001
"The year is 1675. England is threatened by religious and political rivalries. King Charles II's Catholic brother, James, is next in line for the throne, but many Protestants put their faith in Charles' Illegitimate son, The Duke of Monmouth. On the king's death, conflict is inevitable...

Over seven days journey from London, Exmoor is a primitive and lawless area. Here, farmer Jack Ridd lives with his wife Sarah, son John, and two daughters. The only shadow over their simple life is cast by the notorious outlaw family the Doones. The aristocratic Doones were banished from their ancestral lands and now live through looting, theft, and murder. Their brutality is legendary..."

Set against the lavish and lonely expanse of the moors, this epic of "star-crossed lovers, unbridled greed, dark secrets, and ruthless ambitions" is a stirring and intensely romantic story for both classes... those who enjoy the action and intensity of war and revenge, and the lovers of period drama with wholesome messages and uplifting truths.

The story is set in a time of uncertainty in England, while the King lies on his deathbed, and the future of the country is left in the hands of divided politicians. Some believe that the rightful heir, a Catholic, should resume the throne, while others fight for the king's illegitimate son, who is a confirmed Protestant.

Enter John Ridd, a young farmer's boy determined to avenge his father's death, at the hands of the notorious outlaw family, the Doones. Spurned by the Doones, who continue to torment the west country, John must take a backseat for his revenge. But as time passes, he becomes aquatinted by a beautiful young stranger, Lorna... and finds himself falling under her dark spell.

Part Romeo & Juliet, part revenge, and part just plain romance, Lorna Doone very swiftly became an all-time favorite of mine. Gorgeous countryside, an equally haunting soundtrack, and stirring lines are only the backdrop for the acting itself. Amelia Warner glows as Lorna, as she finds true love, and flees from the terrors of her vengeful cousin, Carver (Adian Gillen, who is a true villain - seductive, charming, and deadly). Richard Coyle rounds out the threesome with his marvelous portrayal of the shy and yet passionate John Ridd.

Rent it - buy it - see it. I would have gladly spent $7.50 time and time again to see this in the theaters, but alas, this magnificent drama was banished to A&E. Thank heavens for video & DVD - you can't just see it once. This is another classic just waiting to happen... and a must-see for all lovers of period romance in general.
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