It`s Not That Bad
10 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

Yeah okay INTERCEPTORS isn`t a great film , but I don`t think it`s as bad as many of the people on this page are saying . Yes it`s highly derivative with some severe gaps in logic but it`s also fairly entertaining in a dumb sort of way . Check out the opening scene with Sean Lambert ( Strange name for a Frenchman ) kickboxing . You know that scene in MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL where John Cleese rescues the damsel in distress by massacaring the wedding guests ? Well we see something similar here

It should also be remembered that the same company made the abysmal SHARK HUNTER and unlike that film the money for this seems to have been spent wisely . The movie is well lit and the FX are passable , though it`s painfully obvious the alien is a CGI effect , but at least the alien is a truly ugly critter that made my flesh crawl . It should also be pointed out that this is a film that`s not scared to kill off its main characters . I thought at least Jena Goodwin - And I`ve got to disagree with Michael Corleone 2002 , Jena is hot - would survive untill the end of the movie so it came as a complete shock when the alien pulled out a blaster and fried the poor girl .

I give this 5 out of 10 . Check out SHARK HUNTER if you want to see a really bad movie by this company
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