An embarrassment to the Australian Film Industry.
18 November 2001
I for once could not believe that Australia or ANY film company for that matter would finance this garbage that not only bruises Australia's reputation and appearance, but makes a mockery of everything labeled "Australian", especially to the poor soul who makes the most unfortunate mistake of watching this trash.

First of all, let's look at the non-existent plot. We have Johnathon Schaech portraying a drug runner who flees New York City from several thugs who would give anything to 'bust him up' a little. He makes a hasty escape to the Australian outback (of all places!) where he picks up a hitch-hiker wonderfully portrayed by Susie Porter who spends most of her screen time running around like a pig so that we can see her bare bum, her breasts in full exposure and having sex with Schaech's character every second she can, all for no reason at all.

She now wants to introduce Schaech to her 'loving' father and his clan of loonies who reside in some coregated-iron tin town in the middle of nowhere (hence the title of "WOOP WOOP") where they spend their spare time watching Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals such as "SOUTH PACIFIC" and "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" in between acting like a bunch of rednecks who may have breathed in too many toxic fumes from an 'off-screen' nuclear dump. Yes, all the residents here either have 'nuclear-burned' skin, missing teeth or incredibly ugly features that suggest imbreeding among the 'clan' or exposure to hazardous materials like toxic waste. Rod Taylor plays 'Big Daddy O', an overbearing, over-protective father of Susie Porter's character who refuses to let Schaech leave their nice little town because it seems that someone is now expecting a baby. In fact, he wants Schaech to do the right thing and marry Porter and raise their child in this delightful little neighborhood.

The only problem here is that Schaech wants nothing to do with any of this and he spends the rest of his time in the movie attempting to escape the lunatics and crazies that populate this dump. Oh yeah, this is also supposed to be a 'comedy', so prepare yourself for unintentional laughter, such as the mutant kangaroo featured in the finale of the film that destroys a jeep driven by Rod Taylor in what could be one of the worst scenes to feature 'special effects' in all of cinematic history.

Through all of this, I was quite embarrassed... not only as an Australian, but because I was the one who rented this junk and tried to present it to some friends who were from the U.S. and appeared quite lost throughout the excruciating 97 minutes that this horrific misrepresentation of Australiana ran for.

I have no idea what the film company thought when they read the script for this film. This isn't even worthy of being premiered on late-night cable at 2am in the morning. I was astounded and flabbergasted at how awful this movie was and I have absolutely nothing positive to say about "WELCOME TO WOOP WOOP". I actually felt a little embarrassed for Johnathon Schaech who found himself in the middle of this mess and probably wanted 'out' before filming was completed. And to follow this film up with 1998's cinematic dud, "HUSH", this is definitely something he could afford to leave off his resume.

If you want to see a film that portrays the once handsome Rod Taylor as a beer-guzzling, pot-bellied, red-faced, gin-soaked Aussie ocker, then "WELCOME TO WOOP WOOP" is definitely the movie to see him in.

If you want to see a film that offers something meaningful to both your intelligence and your wallet, then steer clear of this rot. And trust me folks - this movie definitely does NOT represent ALL of Australia.

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