Review of Bio-Dome

Bio-Dome (1996)
You guys keep hating it, I'll keep enjoying it!
26 July 2003
You know... it is pretty darn funny to me why people waste their time on here complaining about how bad a movie was! If you don't like it, great. Post your 1 rating and move on. However, people decide to dwell, leaving messages and posts about how completely terrible this movie is. Noting that the only way to enjoy it is while you are high. Don't you people have anything better to do. The only time I ever post on here is to leave praise for a movie. I figure if a movie is completely terrible, I will post my 1 or 2 rating and move on. Said movies don't deserve my time. Bio-Dome has obviously accomplished something if people are still complaining about it nearly a decade later.

So you think Pauley Shore is a crappy actor, great. Does that mean that this movie automatically sucks? NO. If you go into this movie not expecting much, you can't help but have a good time! The comedy in this movie is no different from any Sandler, Farley, Spade, or otherwise flick. This movie is all about having fun!

Try watching this on one of those weekend nights with group of buddies when you are in a retarded mood and I challenge you not to enjoy it. No, I'm not talking about getting high (I have never and will never "get high" and I still love movies like this and half-baked... sorry guys, there goes you stoner flick stereotype).

I love this movie, every time I watch it I see subtle things that stick out that make it even more enjoyable. Check out that midget towards the end when they are dancing to the "Safety Dance." That little guy is straight out of the music video... classic!

I gave this movie a 10 for sheer enjoyment. I can watch it over and over again still love it. Sorry guys, I'm not just some idiot "stoner" either... I love Citizen Kane, Kevin Smith Films, Dr. Strangelove, Brazil, and probably whatever other "smart" or "artsy" films you want to throw my way. Sometimes you people have to start liking movies on your own, for your own enjoyment, apart from what society, the AFI, or even this site tells you you should like. I'll leave you all with a few of my favorite parts in the movie.


-I'm a sherman tank!

-So... what you're really trying to say is...

-Let's get that mother-faulkner!

-I don't think he like the way you played with his coconuts...

-Is that laughing gas? No way...

-I feel like a duck billed platypus... quaaaack quaaack.

-Remember... here at Bio-Dome we strive on balancing homos, within the system.

Viva Los Bio-Dome!
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