Eek! The Cat (1992–1997)
Simply genius
23 January 2004
Eek is amongst one of my favorite cartoons of all time. It is the epitome of physical violence. Eek, a fat purple cat, lives for one thing - helping others. The show is based upon disproving Eek's mantra, "It never hurts to help." Of course, all Eek's pains go entirely unnoticed by his bratty family.

This show is a work of genius simply because it takes a character that we're taught to be like, a cat with an altruistic nature straight from the bible (KUMBAYA!), and pits him against modern problems, obviously greatly exaggerated for effect. The genius is in the simplicity of this. Of course, this simplicity can only make so many episodes, and so Eek soon joined with The Terrible Thunderlizards (think Garfield and US Acres), and the Eek segments were shorter. Once this happened, Eek was no longer quite as good. Still, it was a brand of humor that has never been very well replicated, which is unfortunate. We need more cartoons like this.
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