Almost a plotless movie.
26 March 2003
But I like it anyway. This one follows a kind of a street fighter played by Clint Eastwood as he tries to find this gal he had a fling with. Accompanying him is his pal and his pet orangutan. There is a plot to some extent, but this movie really just kind of goes from here to there. My favorites are the bad biker gang the Black Widows who constantly get the crap kicked out of them by whoever they fight. There are other very funny scenes as Ruth Gordon is also great in this one. This was in the time where Sandra Locke was in every Clint Eastwood movie and she is in this one too. That had to be a case of someone who got roles more because who she was dating. This one goes from place to place and fight to fight and there is no great super ending, but a nice simple one instead. All in all a nice, fun, comedy to watch.
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