Blood Alley (1955)
Too Right Wing For My Taste ....
20 February 2004
.... Though that`s only to be expected . It`s not like anyone is going to confuse John Wayne with Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton are they ? , so when you have a movie about the Duke escorting a bunch of refugees downriver from Red China you know what to expect ie all Chinese who aren`t commies are brave and noble and could easily pass as WASPish Americans while all communist Chinese are drunk , stupid and rape anything that moves . Like THE GREEN BERETS there`s no racism involved since the point is made - And it`s as subtle as hitting someone over the head with a sledgehammer - that we shouldn`t judge people on the colour of their skin only on the colour of their politics . If you liked THE GREEN BERETS you`ll like this . I didn`t but there is some irony involved in seeing John Wayne dressed in the uniform of red army officer
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