IMDb Polls

Poll: Best XXI Century Directors

Recently BBC Culture unveiled a list of the 100 best films of the XXI Century. To compile it, BBC asked critics from all around the world to pick their 10 favorite films since 2000. Those with the most points made it to the list.

In the ecclectic list, there are a few directors who managed to have at least two films on the list.

Out of these directors with multiple mentions, who has the best films in the BBC list?

Poll by Pencho15

Discuss the poll here

Results of 1,784 votes:

  1. 1.

    Christopher Nolan

    Directed Films: #25 Memento (2000) #33 The Dark Knight (2008) #51 Inception (2010)
  2. 2.

    Ethan Coen

    (And Joel Coen) Directed films: #10 No Country for Old Men (2007) #11 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) #82 A Serious Man (2009)
  3. 3.

    David Fincher

    Directed films: #12 Zodiac (2007) #27 The Social Network (2010)

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