IMDb Polls

Poll: B&W Films of the 90s

From the 70s onward, with the vast majority of films being shot in color, it has become an artistic and/or stylistic choice to present a film in black and white. More often today it is used to pay homage to films of a begone era and invoke a sense of nostalgia, but it can also be used to help create a stark, emotionless, unforgiving world onscreen. Which of these films made most effective use of its black and white presentation?

Discuss here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Schindler's List (1993)

  2. Vote!

    Ed Wood (1994)

  3. Vote!

    Clerks (1994)

  4. Vote!

    Dead Man (1995)

  5. Vote!

    Pi (1998)

  6. Vote!

    Celebrity (1998)

  7. Vote!

    Shadows and Fog (1991)

  8. Vote!

    In the Soup (1992)

  9. Vote!

    Man Bites Dog (1992)

  10. Vote!

    Following (1998)

  11. Vote!

    The General (1998)

    This film was released in theaters in B&W, though the home video version was in color.
  12. Vote!

    Swoon (1992)

  13. Vote!

    Begotten (1989)

  14. Vote!

    Archangel (1990)

  15. Vote!

    Nadja (1994)

  16. Vote!

    La haine (1995)

  17. Vote!

    Satantango (1994)

  18. Vote!

    Suture (1993)

  19. Vote!

    The Bohemian Life (1992)

  20. Vote!

    The Addiction (1995)

  21. Vote!

    A Midwinter's Tale (1995)

  22. Vote!

    Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream That One Calls Human Life (1995)

  23. Vote!

    Girl on the Bridge (1999)

  24. Vote!

    Singapore Sling (1990)

  25. Vote!

    Go Fish (1994)

  26. Vote!

    Federal Hill (1994)

  27. Vote!

    Man of the Century (1999)

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