IMDb Polls

Poll: Best 'Star Wars' Franchise Resistance Leader

Which resistance leader* has done the most to oppose the various incarnations of the dark forces of evil in the 'Star Wars' franchise?

*'Star Wars' live-action movie franchise leaders may be political or military officers that are official members, openly aligned or secret allies of the Old Galactic Republic (vs Trade Federation or Separatists), Rebellion or Rebel Alliance (vs Galactic Empire) and New Republic or Resistance (vs First Order).

Vote in the companion poll: Best 'Star Wars' Franchise Resistance Fighter

Discuss the topic here or Take other 'Star Wars' polls here.

Results of 919 votes:

  1. 1.

    Carrie Fisher in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    Princess Leia Organa Commanding General - Resistance Forces and Senior Diplomat, Alliance and New Republic
  2. 2.

    Mark Hamill in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    Luke Skywalker Commander, StarFighter Squadron and Grand Master, New Jedi Order
  3. 3.

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