IMDb Polls

Poll: Fictional Cafés and Coffee Shop Hangouts

It seems like nowadays, all the great conversations in movies and on TV series seem to happen in cafés, coffeehouses or coffee shops.

Which of these select fictional movie or TV coffee-focused restaurants would you like to order a gourmet cappuccino or a plain ole cup of Joe and hangout with their likable cast of characters?

Discuss the topic here.

Results of 1,751 votes:

  1. 1.

    Friends (1994)

    Central Perk
  2. 2.

    Seinfeld (1989)

    Monk's Cafe or Reggie's (the bizzaro version of Monk's)
  3. 3.

    Pulp Fiction (1994)

    Unnamed Coffee Shop or Diner* aka Hawthorne Grill

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